Geoparque Unesco

GR 15 Geology for the Saint

Espelunga de San Victorián

This easy and pleasant route will take us to a place steeped in history, where legends, tradition and reality blend to give rise to one of the most popular enclaves in Sobrarbe. Starting at the Monastery of San Victorián, we shall reach the place where this holy hermit is said to have lived in the fifth century. The chapel is located in a cavity on the slopes of Mount Montañesa, perfectly blended into the environment, hidden among the geological elements of the area.

We shall see various geological formations along the route to the "Espelunga" (which in Spanish means cave) that will help us understand the spectacular landscapes of Mount Montañesa.

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  • Route: Monastery of San Victorián-Ermita de la Espelunga (Cave Chapel) PR HU-43.
  • Type of Route: Linear (return along the same route).
  • Difficulty level: Low. The track offers no difficulties until the penultimate Stop. Access to the last Stop requires crossing an area of moss-covered rocks that can be rather slippery. Although it is not difficult, care must be taken.
  • Duration: 2.5 hours (round trip)
  • Length: 5 kilometres (round trip).
  • Gradient: 280 metres up and the same down (round trip).
  • Starting point San Victorián. In order to reach this point, we shall take the turn-off to San Victorián at milestone 426 on the N-260 road between Aínsa and Foradada de Toscar. A narrow track in good condition will take us to Los Molinos and Oncins and, finally, to San Victorián. There is a car park next to the sign announcing the town, where there are also several information panels. Although the road continues a short distance uphill, we must leave our vehicles here.
  • Comments One of the most popular routes in Sobrarbe. The place may appear on maps under several names. San Beturián or San Victorián. The route full coincides with the PR-HU43 and a birdwatching route. For more information on guided tours of the Monastery and follow the steps of San Victorián in Sobrarbe:

Recomentations in your visit to Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark

  • Safe visits, unforgettable experiences. There are companies who collaborate with the Geopark where you can hire specialized guides to make your tour a unique and safe experience.
  • Respect the geological outcrops. Do not break off samples of rock, mineral or fossils; anly take the loose pieces

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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