Geoparque Unesco

GR 7 Crossing the Jánovas Gully

Near Jánovas

Finally, before turning back, we can take advantage of the vantage point where we are overlooking the River Ara and observe the difference in the course when it crosses a section where there are rocks that resist erosion and one with softer rocks. In the former case, as it is only ten metres wide, the speed of the water increases and there are no plants on the banks. On the other hand, when it flows through softer materials, it creates pebble beaches and backwaters that are over 70 metres wide. From this point on, having passed the Foz de Jánovas, the River Ara widens and develops floodplains and islands of vegetation on its way to Aínsa, where it flows into the River Cinca, ending its 68 kilometre long journey.

You only need to download the pdf of Geo-Route GR 7 Crossing the Jánovas Gully


  • Route: Car park on the Jánovas - River Ara track along the PR HU-40.
  • Type of Route:Linear (return along the same route).
  • Difficulty level:Medium. The path is almost always easy to follow, although crossing certain ravines may require some precautions. Some sections may be slippery and, therefore, a chain has been installed at one of the passes. The crossing at the spillway has also been equipped with chains and a ladder. It is not advisable to do this route in the event of rain or flooding.
  • Duration: 3 hours (round trip)
  • Length 5 kilometres (round trip)
  • Gradient: 100 metres
  • Starting point A small lay-by on the bend at milestone 452 on the N260 road Boltaña-Fiscal, about 7 kilometres to the west of Boltaña. A forest track starts at this point and leads to the River Ara.
  • Comments RELATED GEO-ROUTES: This route is complemented by Geo-route 3 and with an information panel located next to Boltaña Castle. Geo-Route 15 runs through an area of the headwaters of the River Ara.

Recomentations in your visit to Sobrarbe-Pirineos Geopark

  • Safe visits, unforgettable experiences. There are companies who collaborate with the Geopark where you can hire specialized guides to make your tour a unique and safe experience.
  • Respect the geological outcrops. Do not break off samples of rock, mineral or fossils; anly take the loose pieces

Avda. Ordesa 79. 22340 Boltaña. Huesca. 974 518 025.

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